Across the Nova Scotian landscape in Canada are vast fields of marsh lands and preserved landscapes. Since there are so many of these covering the province the local people have had to build elevated wooden trails that connect people from one side to the other while allowing people to experience these landscapes. These wooden trails which have become a defining aesthetic in themselves across the Nova Scotian landscape was the inspiration for the for this design. We took a straight wooden plank trail and folded it, creating usable space both on and within the folded trail. It now belongs to the landscape and is connected both visually and physically to the local vernacular of the common wooden trails of the area. The folded construction is a stable structural method following the principles of folded plate principles. Beyond the pathway, the structure consists of a small 3 person sauna room heated by wood stove with windows that draw ones views out to the open ocean. A cold water dunk tank was placed in the raised portion of the covered area, and a roof top deck is angled south west for maximum afternoon solar exposure.
Team: Jay Meyer, Matthew Rosenberg, Shane Andrews, Nick Fudge, Blain Lepp, Alexandra Gudreau, Devon McConnell-Gordon, Anke Wollbrink
Location: ART'Insula - Port Hilford, Nova Scotia, Canada
Completed: July 2005 | Published in the 2006 Studio East